职称 副教授 办公室 西一楼B818
电话 邮箱 jielin@xjtu.edu.cn
导师类型 博士生导师
> 个人简介


> 工作简介

2013.12~至今,西安交通大学,计算机科学与技术 新讲师
2009.9~2013.12 西安交通大学 计算机科学与技术 工科博士

2015.10~2016.10 于美国乔治华盛顿大学进行访学研究。

> 研究领域或方向

主要从事Cyber-Physical SystemsInternet of Things中数据及网络安全方面研究。无线传感器网络安全,Cyber-Physical system 安全,智能电网数据信息安全。

> 科研项目

主要从事Cyber-Physical SystemsInternet of Things中数据及网络安全方面研究。目前主持或参与国家自然科学基金2项,在IEEE Trans. on Computers, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文7篇,并在IEEE ICDCSIEEE ICC IEEE GlOBECOM等国际知名会议上发表学术论文17篇,曾多次参加国际高水平学术会议并作报告。

  (1)智能电网中针对“互动”用电信息的假数据注入攻击的危害分析和防御(国家自然科学基金,76万) 2014.1~2017.12;
  (2)基于CPS的风力发电系统安全策略研究(西安市科技计划,10万) 2010.1~2011.12 ;
  (3)基于无线异构Ad Hoc技术的灾后应急救援网络系统的研究与开发(陕西省科技攻关计划,5万) 2011.1~2013.12 ;
  (4)面向大规模灾后救援网络的路由关键技术研究(教育部博士点基金,6万); 2011.1~2013.12

  (5)用于灾后救援的异类点Ad Hoc网络可扩展性路由及关键技术的研究(教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划,25万) 2010.1~2012.12。

> 学术及科研成果

Transactions & Journal

Yang XY, Lin J, Yu W, et al. A Novel En-route Filtering Scheme against False Data Injection Attack in Cyber-Physical Networked Systems[J]. IEEE Transaction on Computers, Online (Preprint, DOI Bookmark: http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TC.2013.177). (SCI源期刊,影响因子1.379,最具学术影响力期刊)

Lin J, Yu W, Griffith D, et al. On Distribution Energy Routing Protocols in the Smart Grid[J]. Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer. 2013, 492:143-159.

Book Chapter

Yang XY, Lin J, Yu W, et al. On Situational Aware En-route Filtering against Injected False Data in Wireless Sensor Networks [M]. Networks, Situational Awareness in Computer Network Defence: Principles,Methods and Applications, Chapter 15, IGI Global Press, 2012: 263-283.

International Conference

Yang XY, Lin J, Moulema P, et al. A Novel En-route Filtering Scheme against False Data Injection Attack in Cyber-Physical Networked Systems[C]. 32nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2012). Macau, China: IEEE, 2012: 92-101.(EI: 20124015530631,CCF等级 B类)

Lin J, Yu W, Yang XY, et al. On False Data Injection Attacks against Distributed Energy Routing in Smart Grid[C]. 2012 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS 2012). Beijing, China: IEEE&ACM, 2012:183-192. (EI: 20122215073692)

Lin J, Yang XY, Yu W, et al. Towards effective en-route filtering against injected false data in wireless sensor networks[C]. 2011 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011). Houston, TX: IEEE, 2011: 1-6. (EI: 20120814799637)

Lin J, Yu W, Yang XY, et al. On Effectiveness of Integrating Intermittent Resources and Electricity Vehicles in the Smart Grid[C]s.2013 IEEE International Conference on Communicaitons (ICC 2013). Budapest, Hungary: IEEE, 2013. (EI)

Lin J, Yu W, Yang XY. On False Data Injection Attack against Multistep Electricity Price in Electricity Market in Smart Grid [C]. 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2013). Atlanta, GA: IEEE, 2013, Accepted. (EI)

Ren XB, Yang XY, Yu W,Lin J(第四作者), et al. On Scaling Perturbation Based Privacy-Prieserving Schemes in Smart Metering Syetem [C]. 2013 the 22nd International Comference on Computer Communications and Networks (2013 ICCCN). Nassau, Bahamas: IEEE, 2013. (EI)

Ren XB, Yang XY, Yu W,Lin J(第四作者), et al. On Scaling Perturbation Based Privacy-Prieserving Schemes in Smart Metering Syetem [C]. 2013 the 22nd International Comference on Computer Communications and Networks (2013 ICCCN). Nassau, Bahamas: IEEE, 2013. (EI)